Fearless Networker Spotlight: Sonia Magruder

sonia magruder In this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Sonia Magruder who overcame her limiting phobia while building an organization of 27,000! Read on to learn how Sonia stretched out of her comfort zone to reach her goals.  

The Fearless Networker: Welcome! Let’s jump in and get to know one another a bit better. Do you have any unusual or impressive talents you’d like to share with us? Or is there something about yourself that would surprise everyone?

Sonia Magruder: My husband Doug and I travel a lot, so it might be surprising to know that I had a terrible phobia of flying for about 15 years. It was so limiting. What got me over it was being told how important it was to attend our company's national convention. I mean, there were A LOT of conversations with me about this. So I decided to face the fear and go to our convention, which was amazing on many levels. Since then, I've flown all over the country, including Alaska and Hawaii twice in the last couple of years. It's been totally freeing, and it all started with a conversation about convention.

The Fearless Networker: What would you say is the most courageous thing you have done in your life? 

Sonia Magruder: Besides the above, probably speaking in front of 1,200 people at our national convention!

The Fearless Networker: What's the last thing you geeked out about? Or are you technologically challenged?

Sonia Magruder: I'm trying to get better at technology and learn how to navigate it to make my life easier. I really love the Adobe Cloud Suite that has all kinds of cool applications.

sonia magruderThe Fearless Networker: What were you doing BEFORE you got involved in Network Marketing?

Sonia Magruder: I was a real estate broker and real estate investor.

The Fearless Networker: How did you FIRST get introduced to the Network Marketing profession and, honestly, what was that experience like for you?

Sonia Magruder: I actually stumbled on it. One of my cousins was posting his love for some nutritional products on FaceBook. At the time, I was a full-time real estate broker, investor, and full-time caregiver (along with my wonderful husband) of my elderly mom who was living with us. Doug and I both had put on some weight from the stress of all we had on our plates, and we were waking up exhausted. I totally trusted my cousin because he's somewhat of a health guru and I reached out and asked him about the products.

The Fearless Networker: Okay, now for the stats…how long have you been involved in the Network Marketing profession, how long have you been with your current company, how many people have you personally enrolled into your company and what is the current size of your organization?

Sonia Magruder: Five years. My current company is the only company I've been with and I've personally enrolled close to 150 individuals. We have over 27,000 in our organization.

sonia magruderThe Fearless Networker: What does a typical day in your life look like?

Sonia Magruder: I usually start working around 6 a.m., responding to social media and posting in our team groups. I have an online calendar that my team uses to schedule business planning sessions, one-on-one trainings, three-way phone calls and connect calls with new members. So I always have time allotted for those and then there is always planning team trainings and calls and my own prospecting and follow-ups.

The Fearless Networker: What is your favorite book(s)? How about your favorite genre of music? (If you want to throw in the first concert you attended, go for it! (My first concert was Rush, June 6, 1979 at the Seattle Center Coliseum.)

Sonia Magruder: Favorite book–the Bible, because it really gives practical advice for the every aspect of life. I think my first concert might have been George Benson (jazz). I love all kinds of music and lately have been into 70's and 80's rock.

The Fearless Networker: Tell us about a time, no matter what age, that you wanted something so badly, regardless if it was big or small, that you were unstoppable in pursuing it. What obstacles did you overcome to reach that goal?

Sonia Magruder: I feel like I've had the mindset to achieve since I was a child, it's like oxygen to me. When I went from a retail management position to real estate, I experienced what working for myself as an independent contractor felt like for the first time and I just went for it. I had 55 transactions my first year in real estate and I got bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, where the compensation was commensurate with the effort I put in. Network Marketing was the next level, where I was introduced to the power of leverage. I quickly advanced to a desired level within our company in a little over a year. So wanting to achieve high goals has been a pattern for me and I don't let obstacles deter me, rather they fuel me to push harder.

sonia magruderThe Fearless Networker: How has being involved in Network Marketing CHANGED YOUR LIFE, professionally, personally or both?

Sonia Magruder: Being able to work from anywhere is a big deal to me. I love having location independence. Personally, it truly has helped me overcome fears and stretch my comfort zone, which has expanded my life experiences.

The Fearless Networker: What gives you joy and/or feeds your passion?

Sonia Magruder: Helping team members achieve their goals and seeing them grow. I can see the greatness and genius in them before they do and then when they step into THAT, it's amazing. It's a beautiful thing to see them grow, not only in skills, but in their confidence and, then of course, reap the monetary benefit that changes their lives as a result. That is the most rewarding and gratifying part of this business to me.

The Fearless Networker: What is your biggest fear?

Sonia Magruder: I can't think of one now, I already overcame the two I had!

The Fearless Networker: If you are full-time, how long did it take you to go from being a part-time Network Marketer to going full-time? Were there any hesitations, struggles or roadblocks?

Sonia Magruder: The first year was difficult. Being in real estate full time, which was paying the bills and being a full-time caregiver made it feel like there wasn't a lot of time to devote to building another business. It took a little over a year to get to where I replaced my real estate income. Yes, there were definitely struggles, like a leg collapsing early on and having to rebuild. When my mom passed away, it was a real setback for me and I realized I had to pull myself out of that and not spiral downward. Having started as a customer, I had a genuine passion for our products, so I had this overarching desire to help as many people as I could and enlist others to do the same. That's where the magic happened…getting amazing people to see the vision and lock arms with me.

sonia magruderThe Fearless Networker: What makes you happiest and most effective when working with others?

Sonia Magruder: Working with motivated people! I love working with those who are coachable and willing to implement. When they are blowing up my phone and my scheduler, that is my happy place!

The Fearless Networker: What are the failures that you most cherish? 

Sonia Magruder: I love it when prospects tell me no or ignore me. That's always a good sign to me. One of my top leaders ignored me for months before she ever responded to my reaching out to her. Another one told me flat out “no”. My best friend told me no and gave me a ton of pushback. They are all success stories on my team now.

sonia magruderThe Fearless Networker: Let’s end on this note: What’s one solid piece of advice that you’d give someone entering this profession for the very FIRST time? And/or the best advice you’ve ever received?

Sonia Magruder: Do not, I repeat, do NOT be impatient. Often people quit at the first sign of difficulty or discouragement. Or they start, stop, start and stop and lose any traction they might have been gaining. This is a profession that can pay ridiculously well, and as with anything that pays well, it takes patience, persistence and consistent action to earn that. Do what others aren't willing to do. My first year in real estate, I remember showing a vacant house at midnight with a flashlight to a couple who had a business that tied them down and that was the only time they could go. They ended up buying 25 houses from me. The dream is amazing and real, but we have to earn it.

The Fearless Networker: “Do NOT be impatient. It takes patience, persistence and consistent action.” Great advice Sonia! Thank you for sharing your story. 

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