How Do I Become Self-Disciplined?

Do you ever find yourself asking, “How Do I Become Self-Disciplined?” In this episode, we'll answer that as well as the following:

  • How Do I Become Self-Disciplined?
  • Can You Teach Self-Discipline?
  • 10 Ways to Become More Self-Disciplined   

“How do I become self-disciplined?”

If you’re asking yourself this question, then I’ve got great news for you. You’re already moving in the right direction. You’re one step ahead of the pack. You should give yourself a pat on the back…literally!

I’m not entirely sure you can fix lazy.  And, my objective in life isn’t to help lazy people. But, it is one of my core objectives to help people that want to be helped.  And, you can most certainly teach people what discipline is and how to go about becoming better at it.

Let me say this first, it ain’t easy. You can’t just go up to the cash register and buy it. Self-discipline is not for sale. Becoming self-disciplined requires conscious effort and consistent practice. It takes WORK. But, please don’t let that scare you away. Work is a good thing. Doing the work on you,  your business, your relationships…it’s all WORTH it.

In the previous episode last week I mentioned one of the definitions of being self-disciplined coming from a Bob Proctor seminar I attended. It’s a good one and worth repeating! Bob said, the definition of self-discipline is “giving yourself an order and following through on it.”

Made perfect sense to me when I heard it. Do what you just told yourself you were going to do. Now, let’s dig into exactly what it takes to become self-disciplined.

10 Ways to Become More Self-Disciplined…

1. Set Clear Goals

I’m sure this isn’t your first rodeo hearing about the importance of goal setting. In order to be successful, you want to identify something you’re shooting for and it needs to be CLEAR. Meaning, clearly define what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Having specific goals gives you a sense of direction and helps you stay focused. Simply having a goal and moving toward it is an act of self-discipline. Honestly, even simply writing down what you want to achieve would be considered a degree of self-discipline. Do you have goals written down?  If not, today is good day to start, don’t you think?

2. Create a Routine

Establish a daily routine and stick to it. Set aside specific times for work, exercise, leisure activities, and other responsibilities. Following a routine helps build discipline and reduces the likelihood of procrastination. A person without a routine, who flies by the seat of their pants likely wouldn’t be considered self-disciplined.

3. Prioritize Tasks 

Identify your most important tasks and prioritize them. Focus on completing high-priority tasks before moving on to less important ones. This helps prevent distractions and ensures you make progress on what truly matters.

4. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Large tasks can be overwhelming and may lead to procrastination. Break those down into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes the tasks feel less daunting and allows you to make consistent progress.

5. Eliminate Distractions

Identify and minimize distractions that hinder your productivity. This could include turning off notifications on your phone, blocking distracting websites or apps, or creating a conducive work environment.

6.  Practice Time Management

Learn to manage your time effectively. Set deadlines for tasks and allocate specific time blocks for different activities. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (working for a set time followed by a short break) to maintain focus and productivity.

7.  Develop Self-Awareness

Be aware of the habits, tendencies, and triggers that lead to procrastination or lack of discipline. Monitor your behavior and make adjustments as needed. Self-reflection and introspection can help you understand your patterns and make positive changes.

8.  Build Momentum

Start with small tasks or habits and consistently follow through on them. As you build momentum and experience success, gradually take on more challenging tasks. And be sure to celebrate your accomplishments along the way to stay motivated.

9.  Practice Delayed Gratification

Learn to resist immediate temptations and focus on long-term rewards. Train yourself to prioritize long-term benefits over short-term pleasures. This can involve delaying gratification, setting rewards for achieving milestones, or finding inner motivation in the process itself.

10.  Stay Committed and Resilient

Self-discipline requires commitment and resilience. Even if you stumble or face setbacks, stay determined and get back on track. Remind yourself of your goals and the reasons why you want to develop self-discipline.

Like the old saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” In fact, it took approximately 2000 years to build.  And, you becoming that completely self-disciplined, amazing soul you wanted to become is going to take some time as well. Good news. It won’t take that long to nail it!

 Be sure to follow Todd Falcone, The Fearless Networker on Instagram for more tips, ideas and strategies for your Network Marketing business.

Thanks for tuning into The Fearless Networker™ Podcast. Listen to the show, comment and leave a rating to let me know what you think of this episode. Post any questions you may have and tell us about your experiences regarding this subject. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to share.

Stay fearless,

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