How to Dump your Phone Phobia

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I did a recent poll to my readers and listeners asking what specifically they needed to learn in order to ensure their success in home-business.  One of the BIGGEST requests was learning how to get over their fear of talking to people.  Here's a video detailing exactly how I got through the chills, the nerves and that “sick to my stomach” feeling I used to have when prospecting.

Making money in network marketing REQUIRES that you talk to people…and many of them.  If you're avoiding the ONE thing that makes you money, you will NEVER make any money.  Make sense?

So…instead of you trying to scramble for ideas or ways to get through your nerves, or throwing in the towel altogether, I'll teach you exactly how to do it.  When you watch this video, understand that these tips are the exact same things I did to go from being a sweaty, nervous wreck to now being one of the most sought-after prospecting coaches and trainers in the network marketing profession.

I used to stink at prospecting and now I don't.  Watch this video and show your team.  They likely need it.

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