How to Respond When Someone Asks you What you Do for a Living

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One of the most troubling moments is when a network marketer is asked the question, “What do you do for a living?”

Many provide a lame response that only repels their prospect, rather than get them to “want” to know more.

I've seen network marketers literally FREEZE UP when asked that question. And…the only reason they FREEZE up is because they don't know WHAT to say or how to respond.

The most important thing for you to remember is that you respond in such a way that gets the prospect to think in their mind or even say out loud, “Really? How do you do THAT?”

When you can invoke curiousity, you've got something powerful at your fingertips that will help you ATTRACT more people to you.

In this video lesson, I give you specific action steps for getting good at responding to that question.

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Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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