Prospecting Mastery – The Athletes Way

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Prospecting Mastery – The Athletes Way
  • The Athlete’s Way To Always Achieving Success
  • Getting Into The Groove And Ensuring You Win The Game

Prospecting Mastery – The Athletes Way

If you look at some of the top athletes in the world, you’ll notice ONE THING they all have in common. What’s interesting is…This is the same ONE THING we want to do in our network marketing business if we hope to have any kind of ongoing success with it. And in today’s quick training video, I’m going to share with you this ONE THING. Pay close attention to today’s training video because it’s the key to…* You getting more customers.

* You recruiting more reps.

* You having unstoppable confidence in this business. Here’s the thing…Most network marketers I talk with all want to build a big business. Yet most of them do not do this ONE THING, which leads to anxiety, fear, and eventually quitting the business. Don’t let this happen to you. Use the athlete's way for becoming a prospecting master! Let’s begin…

The Athlete’s Way To Always Achieving Success

When I was a kid, I played soccer. Every weekend we’d have a big game. Now, the ONE THING we did, which all the top athletes do, is PRACTICE! We didn’t just all show on Saturday and start kicking the ball around. No, we practiced during the week to become better at the game. Practicing is the key to becoming great at something! Regardless of its soccer or network marketing. For example: Even to this very day, I’m still practicing. Take Golf. I’ve been playing golf for close to thirty years now. To have a good round of golf, I can’t just walk onto the green, grab a club and start swinging at the ball. Trust me, I’ve tried this, and it always ends badly. See, it’s all about…

Getting Into The Groove And Ensuring You Win The Game

Here’s what I do to win…

I have to show up one hour before my game and go to the practice course and warm-up.

This allows me to warm up my back and prepare my swing.

Remember this…

Practice is what prepares you for the game.

When it comes to prospecting and talking with people about your business, practice is paramount.

What I recommend to do is start practicing with your prospecting.

My Little Black Book Of Scripts training is a great resource to help you with this.

By the way, this link I just gave you SAVES YOU $100.00 OFF!

I look forward to helping you step up your prospecting game by continuously practicing.

Using all my proven prospecting scripts.

This episode, #170, it’s about “Prospecting Mastery – The Athletes Way.”

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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