Speaking In Front of An Audience Without Panic

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Speaking In Front of An Audience Without Panic
  • My 5-Step Process For Fearless Speaking
  • Stepping Up Your Network Marketing Game For Fun & Profits

Speaking In Front of An Audience Without Panic

It’s the first week of October.

This means Halloween is right around the corner.

And this conversion might be a little scary for some people.

In today’s training, we will talk about speaking in front of people.

Now, if you’re thinking this is scary, and the thought of speaking in front of people triggers anxiety, this training is for you.

Talking in front of people is what we do in this business, so mastering speaking to people is a must-have skill.

I’ll show you my 5-step process for speaking in front of an audience without panic.

This training is a mu

st-watch if you’re doing Facebook lives, webinars, or zoom meetings.

Let’s get started…

My 5-Step Process For Fearless Speaking

Here’s my five-step process for you to follow when speaking in front of people. Step one. Only speak about things you’re comfortable speaking about. It’s easy to speak about things you know well. An example would be your story of how you got started in network marketing.

This should be pretty easy and fun for you to talk about.Step two.Use “Childer's Chunks.”I took a training from John Childers years ago, who talked about “Childer's Chunks.”

Here's what he means. And it makes giving presentations easier, and you'll improve your speaking skills faster by doing this.

Let's say you've been asked to give a 20-minute training at a Super Saturday event.

At first glance, the 20-minutes might seem daunting.“

You mean I have to speak for 20 minutes in front of a live audience?” Not to worry. Just chunk it out. For example, someone asks you to talk about Warm Market Prospecting for 20-minutes.

Instead of looking at the entire 20-minute presentation, you simply “chunk it out” into bite-sized or smaller chunks of information.

Your intro. 5-minutes.

Point One: 5-minutes.

Point Two: 5-minutes

Point Three: 5-minutes.

Your Close: 5-minutes.

Now…Instead of some giant and scary 20-minute presentation, you now have a simple intro, make three salient points, and then close it.

Designing your presentations like this makes them much easier to give and far less scary.

Step three.

Use visual aids to help communicate the points of your presentation.

This will help your listeners grasp the content of your presentation.

Step four.

Have bullet points that cue you on what to discuss for that section of your presentation. Step five. Practice your presentation before going on camera or in front of people so it flows and sounds natural.

Now, let’s talk about…

Stepping Up Your Network Marketing Game For Fun & Profits

These things will help you build confidence when presenting in front of people.

A-TEAM is for you if you want to step up your game in building your network marketing business.

You can secure your virtual spot for our upcoming A-TEAM 12-week program for a limited time.

It starts on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, at 6:00 PM PST.

You want to hurry because spots are going fast, and once we hit 300, we’re closing the doors.

This episode, #198, is about “Speaking In Front of An Audience Without Panic.”

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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