Top 5 Fearless Podcast Training

Over 60 minutes of business building training served up for you.

We've put together our top five podcast trainings for you. These five trainings will take your network marketing business to a whole new level.

highly recommend you set aside about 60 minutes and go through each of the lessons. Take notes and start planning how you'll start using this in your business.

Ok, we're about to go from 0 to 60 real quick… hang on and let dive in with the first training…

10 Ways to Improve Your Prospecting Confidence

LESSON #1: 10 Ways to Improve Your Prospecting Confidence

  • The ONE THING you must do to have any type of success in network marketing. Without doing this one thing, you're guaranteed to make no money in your business. 
  • How to SPEED UP your confidence and start recruiting more people faster than anything else… (Hint… it's not about learning more.)
  • The MAIN daily activity you should be doing in your network marketing business… (besides prospecting). Doing this ONE daily activity will increase your confidence and income, BIG TIME.

How to Improve Your Cold Market Prospecting Skills

LESSON #2: How to Improve your cold market prospecting skills

Once you have your prospecting confidence built up… it's time to improve those prospecting skills. In this training you'll see…

  • How to CREATE warm markets on a consistent basis so that your pipeline is always full with… interested people.
  • The ONE THING you must do when prospecting in the cold market. 
  • The SECRET to getting good at cold market prospecting and becoming a master at it.

Social Media Recruiting for Beginners

LESSON #3: Social media recruiting for beginners

Alright, so we've got your confidence improving your cold market prospecting improving. Now, let's look at recruiting using social media.

Here I'll share with you…

  • Social media recruiting for beginners and what you should know.
  • The first thing you MUST do before you start recruiting people using social media.
  • What the ONE MAIN GOAL should be when recruiting on social media.

Improve Your Follow up By Asking Better Questions

LESSON #4: Improve your follow up by asking better questions

Once you're starting to fill-up your pipeline, it's time to start following up. In this lesson you'll discover how to do this.

Get ready to learn…

  • How to improve your follow up by asking better questions. Applying these will boost your revenue… be careful with them
  • Moving the person to the next step in the process using these TWO little questions.
  • The SMART WAY to ASK your follow up question… so that your prospects always book the next appointment with you.

Three Keys to Network Marketing Duplication

LESSON #5: Three keys to network marketing duplication

Now, that you're recruiting new people into the business, it's time to start duplicating. Growing your team the right way is like pouring gasoline on a fire… it grows FAST!

In this finial lesson (for today), I'm sharing with you…

  • The REAL KEY to creating duplication that launches your network marketing business.
  • The Falcone Factor and how to 10X your duplication so that your team is always producing.
  • How to use the “McDonalds™ Method” in your network marketing business for consistent growth… and duplication.

Now, what I laid out for you above are 5-KEY LESSONS for you to go and start crushing it in your business. These lessons are NOT theory, they're from close to 30 years in this industry.

This training is FREE, but it's worth a fortune if you take ACTION on everything I layout in these five key lessons. The power is in using everything together to move the new person into becoming your next top leader.

Stay fearless,

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