You’ll Sell a Lot More When You Get Good at Story Telling

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • You’ll Sell a Lot More When You Get Good at Story Telling
  • The Secret To Selling More Products And Boosting Sales Fast
  • How To Speed Up The Recruiting Process Even If You’re Brand New

You’ll Sell a Lot More When You Get Good at Story Telling

Hey, it’s Todd. Ready to give yourself a pay raise today? In this quick training, I’m going to show you how to bump up your sales pretty quickly. And, the best part is you can start doing this within the hour. Now, you might be wondering what it is? Good question. It’s storytelling! Except, it’s storytelling done in a specific way. One that allows you to get more customers and team members quickly. And, if you’re worried about not having your own story yet… no problem. You’ll discover how to still tell stories, even if you don’t have your own. Let’s dive in…

The Secret To Selling More Products And Boosting Sales Fast

It’s all about finding and collecting good stories. Stories boost sales because they’re tapping into people’s emotions. While at the same time sharing the results of the people in the story. This can be extremely effective in boosting sales when done correctly. Let’s looks at how to use storytelling for more sales. You want to start telling stories about your products or services. Take some time and go through your product line. Look for stories from people that have gotten results using a specific product. Now, when you start sharing that specific product with your audience, make sure you’re telling the stories of the people that have used your product and the results they’ve gotten. Doing this will add an emotional impact to your product presentation and bring it to life for your audience. It will allow them to visualize the results that are possible with your product. Now, if it happens to be your own personal story, that’s even better. The cool thing is, it’s doesn’t have to be. This means if you don’t have a story yet. You simply start sharing other people’s stories. And it gets even better…

How To Speed Up The Recruiting Process Even If You’re Brand New

Now, we just talked about getting more customers by sharing other customer stories. We’ll use this same concept to speed up your recruiting process (even if you’re brand new.)Again, you’ll want to start collecting stories of people who are doing big things in your business. Start practicing the telling of their stories every day. Do your research, look them up on YouTube. Bring their stories to life with great vivid detail so it communicates the power of your opportunity for the prospect. Now, make sure you watch or listen to the full lesson on this page to get all the details.

This episode, #134, it’s about “You’ll Sell a Lot More When You Get Good at Story Telling.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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