Your Solution for Putting in the Work but Not Getting the Results

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In a previous post, I talked about what to do when someone gets down on themselves for the work they didn't do.

Yes…you heard me right.  People often DO get down on themselves for the work they DIDN'T do, which is primarily rooted in guilt.  People feel guilty because time has passed, they've done nothing, and they're not seeing success.  The truth is…they shouldn't see success, because they haven't done anything yet!!

The other side of the coin is finding a solution for when you ARE putting in the work but not getting the results.

I Spent Two Years Working Hard and Not Getting the Results

I was a prime example of that in my first two years of my network marketing career.  I spent my first 18 to 24 months working extremely hard putting the time in, inviting people…and ‘trying” to do all that I could to push my business forward and not getting the results.  It's one reason I can relate to this post.  I lived it.

I worked EXTREMELY hard to the point of ‘grinding' and ‘pushing', which I found worked to my disadvantage.
I was trying too hard to PUSH my business forward, which caused me to alienate people…even though I was putting in the time.

It wasn't obvious to me.  If it was, I wouldn't have been doing it.  I had to look in the mirror, analyze, review and be honest about what was really happening.

When I really looked at myself, I was operating 100% from doubt, lack, fear, and simply not having a lick of fun!  I was literally a grinder, almost to the point of gritting my teeth as I worked.  Kinda like shoving a square peg into a circular hole.  It just doesn't work.

You can't be blind, ignorant or blameful when it comes to your lack of results.
You've got to look.  Listen.  Feel.  Be honest.  Real.

Sometimes the truth DOES hurt, but opening yourself up to it is what's going to help you make the changes that are necessary.

What's going wrong here and what needs changing?
What am I doing really well?
What can't I see because I'm simply too close to it?
How can I step back and look at it?

“If your nose is touching the book, you're too close to read what's on the pages.  Step back and things will come into focus.” 

Step back.  How do we resolve it?

What to Do When you're Putting in the Work But Not Getting the Results

If you're REALLY putting in the work, but not getting the results, you CAN fix it.

But first.  Let's be clear with exactly what the work is.

You're prospecting consistently.  You're fully engaged.  You're not dilly-dallying.  You are every single day getting after it, doing reach outs…and being proactive in the movement of putting new customers on your products and new distributors in your business.

I have to say that because lots of people lie to themselves and get to believing they're doing the business, when they're really not doing jack diddly.

Attending events, being on conference calls, reading books, sitting in on Zoom meetings, conference calls, webinars and being in the learner seat isn't building.  It's good and all, but it's not primary production mode.

I'm talking about you being totally PROACTIVE, yet not getting the results.

Give you an example.  My first two years in my business, I was in my office every day of the week, all day, spending ALL of my time prospecting and drumming up new business…but seeing very little in return.  I was taking action and seeing nothing.  I wasn't twiddling my thumbs at my desk, shuffling papers, or pacing back and forth.

I was working very, very hard.

If that's you…then here's how you begin to figure this stuff out.

Simple Business Metrics 101

Without getting all technical on you, let's look at some simple numbers that you should absolutely be tracking on a regular basis.

I believe it's crucial to track yourself and it's really the only way to really determine how IN the business you really are. I talk about this ALL the time.  You need to track your numbers.  Keep good tabs on what your real business building activity is.  It removes any capacity for lying to yourself.

Number of Outgoing Calls or Contacts.
How many new calls or outgoing contacts are you making weekly?

Number of Actual Business Presentations
How many of those calls or contacts led to an actual business presentation?

These are ‘made up' scenarios.   It's why we call them examples.  But…you'll get the gist and begin to understand what you can look for in your own life.

Example 1:  1200 Calls or Reach Outs and Only 5 Presentations
You made 100 calls a week for the past 12 weeks.  1200 calls total.  Yet, you only gave 5 total presentations.

What's the problem?  Shouldn't it be easier than that?

Step back.  Who are you calling?  Could it be the people or the quality of who you are calling?  Could it be HOW you come across to them?  Maybe you're being too pushy or not firm enough.  How can you know?  There could be other reasons, but here's what I would do.  RECORD MYSELF!!!! If I'm making 1200 calls and seeing only 5 presentations being done, there's something missing.  Look for it.

Example 2:  1200 Calls or Reach Outs and 600 Presentations
In this example, you've made the same amount of calls or reach outs, but you've been able to get the presentation in front of 600 people.  GREAT job!!  Except there's one problem, you're still not seeing the results.

How do we fix that?  Well…maybe finding out WHY your prospects aren't interested in what they've seen would be a good start.  Is the presentation you are using effective?  Are others using it with success?  Is it working for other people.  If it's another issue and you are doing the presentation manually, are you asking for their commitment and doing a call to action?  Maybe another really good opportunity to RECORD YOURSELF!!

When you take the time to record some of your presentations, it allows you to step back from the book, and look at it with your nose not jammed on the paper.  You see things differently, but only when you step back.

Track your Numbers!!!
Record yourself!!

You'll never hear me stop saying this.  If you want to become successful, you need to adapt and make changes when things aren't going right.

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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