10 Ways to Improve Your Speaking Skills

What You'll Discover In This Episode on How to Improve your Speaking Skills…

  • How to eliminate the fear of speaking so that it's easy for you to get started.
  • The secret to making you stand out as a speaker or presenter so that you sound like a pro.
  • The ONE THING you must do to become great at speaking.
  • How to create your presentation using my “chunking” method. Using this allows you to easily create presentations.

It's interesting.

A lot of times I'll get asked how I got into speaking and training. My answer is… it' wasn't part of the plan.

I never set out to become a speaker and trainer. When I first got started in network marketing (almost 30 years ago) I was scared to death to have a conversation with someone.

Let alone, stand on the platform and give a presentation. The funny thing is… back in the day we use to do “Saturday” training in front of live audiences.

(This was WAY before the internet and social media.)

One of the parts in the training was… “how to deliver our presentation“.

Now, everyone in the office was trained on how to do a live presentation. I was very shy about getting on the platform and wanted nothing to do with it.

Then one day, it happened…

During the presentation, we would take a little break. This was to clear some of the negative energy out of the room.

So, my buddy, Ben looks over at me and says, “Catch Falcone”. I look in my hands and it's a set of keys to the office.

I looked up and he said something I'll never forget.

He says…“hey the office is yours. You're doing the 4 step training presentation. I'm going to open up another office.”

Needless to say, I was standing there is complete “panic mode,” freaking out. I was thinking… I have to stand up there and do the presentation.

Now, here's the thing. I had been trained on how to give the presentation. I had seen this presentation hundreds of times. So even though I did not volunteer myself.

Ben was smart to volunteer me because he knew I was ready. Here's the thing… I was super nervous. My mouth was dry, I was sweating profusely,

I'm sure people could tell this was my first time.

But here's the thing…

During your network marketing carrier, you might be asked to do things that feel uncomfortable. Things like hosting a meeting, or doing a live webinar, etc.

Well in this episode #11 I'm going to share with you… 10 Ways to Improve Your Speaking Skills! Listen to the show below.

Also, checkout the “Network Marketing Mastery Section” (below) to go to the next step on this topic.

Listen To The Show


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