Are you Giving it Everything You’ve Got ?

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100%.  All-in.  
Are you giving everything you've got?

Interesting discussion.  The whole idea of putting yourself ALL IN to whatever you are doing.  You know…the whole idea of backing something with all of your might, pouring all of you into something where when you are done, you are done.  You've got nothing left.  It's recovery time.

You get the picture.  Now…whether you ever give something 100% or not, I'm pretty sure most of us can be doing more than we are currently doing.  I know I'm not operating at 100% every day.

As a life long network marketing professional and person that conducts network marketing training for a living, I can say that even as successful as I have been…I've never lived every single day going at it 100%.  That got ME thinking.  “Wow!  Where could I be when I give it 100%, 100% of the time?”  OR…is it even possible to do that?

Either way…pretty intriguing to think about, especially if you're like me and want to do everything you can to get better.

This hat I'm wearing in this video triggered some thoughts about the subject of being ALL IN to whatever I'm doing, and the end result of actually living that way.

Fun to think about…and more fun, and certainly infinitely more rewarding when we live our lives that way.

Are you giving it your all?  Did you put in 100% today?

Worth watching and then stirring around your brain for a bit…

Really would love to hear from you on this…

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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