Prospecting Mastery – Leaning On Your Leadership

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Prospecting Mastery – Leaning On Your Leadership
  • The Simple Hack For Closing More Prospects
  • Leaning On Your Leadership For Faster Growth

Prospecting Mastery – Leaning On Your Leadership

Quick question…Would you like to increase your production in your business? Yes? Good! Because in today’s training, I’m going to show you a simple hack for closing more prospects faster in your business. And the best part is you’re NOT going to be doing the “closing.” Sounds good, right? This is the exact method I was taught many years ago when I started. Not only will you start getting more customers…You’ll also watch your business start multiplying. This means more team members, your volume increases, and your business makes more money.

The Simple Hack For Closing More Prospects

Here’s a simple hack for ramping up revenue without spending years becoming a prospecting master.  call this… leaning on your leadership. The reason you want to do this is because it cuts your learning curve down dramatically. It’s the difference between going slow or going fast. The beauty of this business is leverage. This means we’re leveraging our team to move volumes of products and services. And, did you know we can also leverage our leadership? The leaders in our upline have a vested interest in seeing us succeed. Connecting with your upline leaders and building a relationship with them can take your business to the next level. You will put your prospects in front of your leadership and have them close the business for you. Now, let’s look at…

Leaning On Your Leadership For Faster Growth

This business is NOT a solo business. You’ve got people in your upline who would love to help you succeed. Why? Because they succeed when you do. Leaning on your leadership gives you the ability to build your business faster. One of the reasons why is 3rd-party validation. When you connect with your warm market, they know who you are. I cover this in-depth in the video above, so watch it. Start putting your prospects in front of your leadership. Then, just listen to how your leader responds to your prospect. After you do this for a while, you’ll know what to say to people. Then you can start having your new people bring their prospects to you over time. So your team can start leaning on you because you’re now a leader.

This episode, #187, it’s about “Prospecting Mastery – Leaning On Your Leadership.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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