The Best Time to Start a Facebook Conversation

When it comes to doing network marketing on Facebook…you need to know the “ideal” time to begin a Facebook conversation with someone on Facebook Messenger.

Should you just randomly reach out to anyone who has a Green Dot next to their name?  Sure…you could, and there's certainly nothing wrong with it, since you are already “friends” on Facebook.

But…I think a better way to start a Facebook conversation is with someone who is already engaged with you.

My #1 preference in beginning a Facebook conversation is to do so with someone I know for SURE is already engaging in my content.

All you need to do is keep a look at your Newsfeed on your own wall and look at the people who are Liking, Commenting and Sharing your content.

If someone is SHARING your content…that's the deepest level of engagement.
If they are COMMENTING, they are also very engaged.

The least engaged person…although still engaging with you is the person who gives you a thumbs up or is showing they are liking what you have to say.  Don't write these people off!!  They are DEFINITELY engaged in your content and know who you are!!

My Order of Preference for Starting a Facebook Conversation…

#1:  People who are Sharing your content.
#2:  People who are Commenting on your stuff.
#3:  People who Like your posts.

Now…don't limit yourself to only people who you know are engaged.  YOU engaging in other people's posts is going to create another opportunity to reach out.  You should be spending some time daily responding to the posts of people you are connected with on Facebook to create a more “open” opportunity to begin a Facebook conversation.

I call this a more “open” opportunity for one very simple reason.  THEY SEE YOU.  I promise you this…when you Like, Comment or Share my stuff, I see it.  So…if you happened to reach out to me, I'm going to be more open to having a conversation with someone that I know is for sure already connected with me and engaging in my content.

Lastly…even if someone is NOT engaging with you, you can still keep an eye on your Newsfeed for reasons to reach out to them.

You saw a post about their dog, their vacation, their kids….their anything, and it could give you a reason to reach out.

“John…this is Todd Falcone.  I just saw your photos from Santorini!  WOW!!  Epic shots!!  My wife and I have been thinking about going there.  Where did you stay?”

John could not even be engaged in my content…but because I SAW something and responded to it, I can open up the door to a chat.

You need to be having Facebook conversations…not just posting and replying.  It's ALL of it that makes the difference.  Don't forget to make that REAL connection with people.  It's going to be the secret sauce to you making real progress in your network marketing business on Facebook.

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