Tips for High-Quality Facebook Lives

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Tips for High-Quality Facebook Lives
  • Facebook Live Video Setup 101
  • Content Tip When Doing Facebook Lives

Tips for High-Quality Facebook Lives

Lights, camera, action. Today I want to give you some tips for creating high-quality Facebook lives. Facebook lives are great for connecting with your people on Facebook. They can see and hear you, which accelerates your know, like, and trust factor. Now, to look and sound good on your Facebook lives, take the tips I give you today and apply them immediately. Don’t worry; we won’t go too far down the video rabbit hole… We’ll cover the fundamental tips for producing quality Facebook lives.

Let’s begin…

Facebook Live Video Setup 101

Here are a few basics to help you start producing quality Facebook lives. Good lighting.

The goal here is not to have shadows and be well-lit. You want to have your camera positioned well too. I recommend using a tripod for this so you can adjust it exactly where you want it.

The next tip is about composition. There’s something called the rule of thirds (Google this for specifics). Ensure you watch my video above, where I go into more detail on this. For those in a hurry, you want to position yourself in the top 3rd of the frame. Now, let’s talk about your background in the video. Having a great background is essential. You don’t want your background to be distracting.

For example, If there were a giant bush behind my head in the background, I’d look like a human chia pet. It would distract the viewer, and they’d most likely miss my message on Facebook live. I’d also recommend you take some time and create a specific space to make all your videos.

This way, the background, lighting, and sound are always ready to go. Speaking of sound, I recommend a lavalier mic that clips on your shirt when doing on-camera work. Again, watch my video above because I go over some more options for mics. Now, let’s get into producing your content…

Content Tip When Doing Facebook Lives

Ok, I’m going to share a few content tips you can use when doing your Facebook lives.

One thing I do all the time is to give myself notes to reference.

Put your notes next to your camera lens so when you’re looking at them, you’re looking into the lens.

Also, you want to invest in your video equipment. This includes mics, lighting, and a camera.

If you’d like more details on how to set this up, what equipment to use, etc.

I’d highly recommend becoming a Fearless Networker Insider.

This is my private closed group where I go live multiple times per week and answer your questions. To

This episode, #193, is about “Tips for High-Quality Facebook Lives.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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