Fearless Networker Spotlight: John and Nadya Melton

John and Nadya MeltonIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring the always energetic couple, John and Nadya Melton. Let's jump right in!

The Fearless Networker:  How long have you two been involved in the Network Marketing profession?

John and Nadya Melton:  We've been involved for 15 years.

The Fearless Networker:  Fifteen years…now that's commitment to the profession!  How long have you been involved with your current company and what's the size of your organization?

John and Nadya Melton:  We actually rebuilt our company about two years ago.  We started with three hundred people in our last company and in two years built a team of 7,000 individuals.  Since we started the new company, we’ve built a team of over 1,000 people and hit a six figure income rank within the first 45 days.  We attribute that success to our network and the brand we built on social media.

The Fearless Networker:   John and Nadya, you utilize social media to recruit new people into your organization.  I'm confident several people would love to learn how to effectively do that.  Can you provide any insight into this strategy?

John and Nadya Melton:  Yes, we've found the biggest success in recruiting new people by utilizing social media…specifically FaceBook.  As far as strategy, the number one thing that we focus on when it comes to recruiting strategies on FaceBook is putting out constant, relevant content while simultaneously building relationships and connections through the platform.  We don’t use social media like an infomercial.  Instead, we're providing valuable insight on various topics.  We raise a lot of curiosity through FaceBook.  If you look at our social media pages, you would have no idea what we do, and that’s on purpose. 

John and Nadya MeltonThe Fearless Networker:  So, would you strongly encourage people to utilize social media to effectively grow their businesses? 

John and Nadya Melton:  You must learn how to utilize social media to build a large network while providing constant value to that network.  If you do this, you’ll never run out of people to talk to.  Building a network and building relationships is probably one of the greatest things that you can do to achieve massive success inside this profession.

The Fearless Networker:  Are their any other specific strategies or actions that you’ve implemented into growing your business that you’ve found to be exceptionally productive? 

John Melton:  One strategy I’ve implemented into growing the business is to pack my calendar.  I pack my calendar with three way calls, prospecting calls, follow up calls, and conference calls.  I put together training videos and tutorials to help the team, and I use all of these to promote bigger events.  Whether it’s Super Saturdays, regional meetings or annual conferences, bigger events are imperative.  I am constantly plugging people in for these larger live events!

John and Nadya MeltonThe Fearless Networker:  When it comes to building a group, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve taken to help your team grow?

Nadya Melton:  First of all, having a training system for people to plug into is key.  We use video tutorials and step-by-step training to help people succeed.  Constant communication with your leaders and with the overall organization is another important factor.  We utilize conference calls and FaceBook groups for a lot of our communication.  We are always leading from the front.

We also show our team how to use FaceBook to generate leads every day.  It’s allowed us to recruit 300+ people within a year, and turn that into 7,000 in a previous company.  So as we mentioned before, FaceBook is definitely a valuable tool for team leaders and those in the Network Marketing profession. 

John Melton:  If you want to build a huge team never stop phase one…money making activities!

“Building a network and building relationships is probably one of the greatest things that you can do to achieve massive success inside this profession.”  John Melton

John MeltonThe Fearless Networker:  What would you say your biggest fear was when you started your career in Network Marketing 15 years ago?

John Melton:  When I started out, I was terrified of public speaking.  Speaking to even a small group was nerve-wracking.  I felt so much pressure because I’m a perfectionist and didn’t want to mess it up.  Now I speak all of the time.  (But, when I’m speaking in front of large groups of people I still get slightly nervous.)

The Fearless Networker:  What’s a lesson you've learned along the way? And, can you provide any advice to someone entering this profession for the first time?

John MeltonJohn and Nadya Melton:  Be okay with some of your friends and family being somewhat skeptical or even negative about you starting a Network Marketing business.  Simply put, it’s not the “norm” to start a home-based business.  And in some circles, it can even be frowned upon.  You may be uncool for a while with friends and family because you are doing something outside the box.  Most people have jobs and are sold on that idea as the only way to make a living.  So naturally, the entrepreneur mindset can be weird to them.  But, don't let it bother you.  One day when you’re living YOUR dream, they will get it! 

People may also disappoint you from time to time and you need to be ok with that.  They will say that they’re coming to your events, signing up for your team or buying your product/service and then fail to follow through.  It’s just the nature of the business.  Don’t burn bridges though; it’s not worth it.  Honestly, Network Marketing is the best way to find out who are your real friends!

The Fearless Networker:  Great advice…keep your head up, focus on your goals, don't take it personally and stay true to yourself.  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

John Melton:  Network Marketing has changed my life in every way possible.  I was headed down the wrong path when I was younger.  I was lost and confused.  Everyone I knew was headed to college and I didn’t want to do that.  I didn’t want a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job and sit behind a desk all day.  I wasn’t meant to be an employee.  I seriously thought something was wrong with me until I saw Network Marketing and met other like-minded people!

John and Nadya MeltonI’ll be forever grateful that I was introduced to Network Marketing by one of my good buddies at a young age.  I knew nothing at that time about entrepreneurship or owning a business.  Now I have nine income streams, a beautiful 6,000 square foot home, Nadya and I travel the world, take our kids with us, and we work from home. 

Network Marketing exposes you to all sorts of personal growth.  And, listening to personal development has made me a better father, a better husband, and a better member of society.  It’s changed my life in every way, in every aspect!

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have any suggestions for people to ensure that they make network marketing a lasting and successful business to pursue for a lifetime?

John Melton:  Work on yourself and become the leader that you would want to follow.  And, you definitely need a mentor that has the results that you want and can teach you what they do.  Also make sure that what they’re teaching you is something you are willing to do.  I had a mentor that was very successful in his Network Marketing business but, I didn’t want to build my business the way he was any longer.  He had the income I wanted but how he was making it wasn’t the right approach for me. 

Nadya MeltonNadya Melton:  Stay plugged in.  When you don’t feel like going to an event, or getting on a call, that’s probably the time you really need to take the time to do it.  Take massive action even when you’re not ready to in your mind.  Procrastination is the thief of opportunity!

John and Nadya Melton:  Constantly work on your skills and your mindset.  Going to seminars and reading books is so important if you want to be successful and build a lasting business.  Learn from every experience.  We’ve had some amazing experiences in this profession and some great success but, adversity is what truly develops a strong leader.  Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn!

The Fearless Networker:  Speaking of adversity, what was your biggest struggle on your way to achieving success in this profession, and how did you overcome it?

John Melton:  We were making a lot of money in a company before but, that company was mostly using old school strategies.  It was a lot of living room presentations and constant meetings away from home.  I felt like a traveling sales person and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my career away from my family and out every night.  Having to leave that company after so many years was definitely the biggest struggle.  It was so tough because it had become like a family.  Leaving was one of the hardest decisions I had to make but, one of the best career moves I ever made.

Another major roadblock was working with a company that suddenly closed.  I had built a strong business through that company, so losing a significant income overnight was brutal.  This happens in business sometimes and when it’s your company, you have to make some difficult decisions and essentially start all over.  Luckily, we got some great advice and things worked out quite well.  It was definitely a huge learning experience.  Like I just said, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn!

John and Nadya MeltonThe Fearless Networker:  Continual learning is critical.  What is your favorite business book of all time?

John Melton:  The book that impacted me the most at a young age was How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  I have to say though, the two books that helped me most in recent years would have to be Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss (a must read) and Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk.

The Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that’s served you well in business?

John and Nadya Melton:  “You can make money or you can make excuses but, you can’t do both…so choose wisely.”

The Fearless Networker:  On that note, it's a wrap.  John and Nadya, thank you for your time and sharing your journey.  Wishing you continued success!

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