How to Build a Massive Following on Facebook for FREE

If you're reading this, there's an incredibly HIGH likelihood that you are on Facebook.


Since 2008, Facebook has grown from 100 million users to now over 900 million.  So…if you're not on Facebook, you're unique, and likely only one of three people on the planet NOT on it.  Just kidding. But…pretty darn close!



Why in the WORLD would one want to create a massive following…and more importantly HOW do you go about creating a big following, and even more importantly, MONETIZE it?

Facebook captures one in every eleven visits on the Internet in the United States alone.  

Think about that. That is GINORMOUS!

The average user spends 20 minutes a day on Facebook.

How'd you like it if your average website visitor spent 20-minutes on YOUR page? That's not likely
to happen, but certainly a BIG reason for you to be ON Facebook, and an active participant, since
the odds of your customer or potential customer being on Facebook is super high.

58% of Facebook users earn between $30,000 and $99,000 a year.

So…since you're likely a home-business owner reading my blog, over HALF of all users make
under 100k per year. YOU offer opportunity. You provide people the unique ability to EARN
MORE. Your target audience of individuals who are likely NOT satisfied with what they are
currently earning are ALL on Facebook. Get my point?

The Nitty-Gritty on Creating a Massive Following on Facebook

My list of suggestions to follow are not necessarily in any particular order. They are ALL
important…that is IF you want to create an active following and be able to monetize your activity
on Facebook.

  1. Complete your Profile Page.  Be sure to COMPLETE everything
    on your Facebook Profile Page, including Work and Education,
    your Geographic location (leave out your personal address),
    Relationship Status, Family Info, Contact Info and completely
    fill out the About You area.
  2. Post a good profile picture of YOU, not one of your product or
    a logo.  This is FACEbook.  People want to build a relationship
    with you, not your product or logo.
  3. Post regularly and make them interesting.  VERY important that
    you are an active user of Facebook if you want to create lots of
    followers.  Posting once a week or even once a day doesn't quite
    cut it.  You don't need to be spending all day on Facebook, but
    throughout the day, it's a great idea to post interesting updates.
    Ideally, you want to post updates that get lots of LIKES and
    COMMENTS.  Look at what others are doing.  You'll get a feel
    pretty quickly for the types of posts/updates that are interesting
    to others.  The key with your postings is do generate lots of user
    interaction.  You WANT people to SEE and comment on your
  4. Don't just post about your business.  Friends don't stay friends
    for long when everything you do is about your product or
    opportunity.  Mix it in there a bit if you wish, but don't make
    all of your posts about your business.
  5. Post pictures regularly.  People want to SEE you and get to know
    you and what you are all about.  Pictures are a great way to
    get LIKES and COMMENTS as well.
  6. Don't tag people in stuff they aren't in.  Tagging someone in a
    post puts that post up on their wall.  Newbies do this all the time
    thinking that if they DO tag someone that their friends will see
    the post and then you'll do business with them.  It only pisses
    people off.  Don't do it.
  7. Be sure to LIKE and COMMENT on others' posts.  This is a
    very powerful and easy way to be seen by others.  Just be sure
    you don't LIKE and COMMENT on every single post someone
    makes.  They may think they have a stalker on their hands!
  8. Friend people who you have stuff in common with in order to
    build your friend list.  Also…BIG TIME importance here.  When
    you send a Friend Request to a person of influence, be sure to
    include a personal message to them so they know who you are
    and why you are friendquesting them.  You're way more likely to
    get your friend request accepted if it is accompanied by a personal
  9. Watch your newsfeed for stuff you can comment on.  Facebook
    shows you all of the current posts of your friends to make it easy
    for you to see them, and comment on them if you wish.
  10. Don't blatantly post links to your opportunity on other people's
    walls or in other's groups.  Just because you are in a group or
    friends with someone, it doesn't make it o.k. to post links about
    your opportunity on their wall.

Bottom line.  You have to be active.  Daily postings are important.
Again, you don't need to spend all day there, but be sure you are seen
as someone who has an active profile page.

Words from a wise man.  Watch what other ACTIVE Facebook people
are doing, and duplicate it.

If you aren't friends with me or following me on Facebook, you can
follow me here:  My Fan Page

Follow others that you know have big followings.  Watch how they
act.  Do what they do.

Interesting parallels with what we do in network marketing, huh?

How do you Monetize it?

You monetize it by BUILDING social credibility, by building great relationships.  The more active you are,
the more you're NOT seen as someone trying to pitch someone something, the more people will be attracted
to you.

Anytime you have a chance to chat someone up or take it offline by actually getting to know them, the better.  Facebook allows you to reach out to an awful lot of people.  Be sure to deepen the relationships with others by actually getting to know them OFFLINE as well.

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